Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template

GOAL: The goal of this research action plan is to determine the effectiveness of looping and conclude if looping should be a mandatory practice for 1st/2nd grade teachers as well as 3rd/4th grade teachers.

Analyze test data (from 2007 – 2010) to determine differences in achievement for looping students versus non-looping students.
Shannon West, Billy Snow, Principal
August 2010 – December 2010
Test data broken down by classroom teacher as well as information as to which teachers were 2nd year loopers.
Document differences, if they exist, in a spreadsheet and determine percentage of difference.

Compare attendance records of students who looped with their teacher versus non-looping students to see if attendance improved in classes in which students looped up with their teacher.
Shannon West
Kay Vadasy, PEIMS secretary
August 2010 – December 2010
Attendance records
Create a line graph to show the differences in attendance.

Determine disparity in discipline referrals between looping teachers versus non-looping teachers.
Shannon West
Kay Vadasy, PEIMS secretary
August 2010 – December 2010
Discipline records
Create a line graph to show differences in discipline referrals.

Interview looping teachers
Shannon West
August 2010 – December 2010
Looping teachers
Collect data to determine the pros and cons of looping from a teacher’s perspective. Use this data to present findings at the end of the research action plan.

Interview looping students.
Shannon West
August 2010 – December 2010
Looping students
Collect data to determine the pros and cons of looping from a student’s perspective. Use this data to present findings at the end of action research.

Interview looping parents.
Shannon West
August 2010 – December 2010
Looping parents.
Collect data to determine the pros and cons of looping from a student’s perspective. Use this data to present findings at the end of action research.

Make recommendations based on the information collected.
Shannon West
Billy Snow, Principal
December 2010
All research information collected.
Recommendations made.